Changes proposed by remit #7 include errors:

Article 7.2
... at least equal in number to the members in sections 7.1.1, 7.1.2, and 7.1.3
is not found in the corresponding 6.2.x sections of the PROPOSED wording.

Article 5.8.1(1) with respect to membership
by the action of the Session or by the action of those in full membership when desired by the Pastoral Charge; or
is replaced by PROPOSED article 5.8.1(1)
by the action of the Pastoral Charge Governing Body or by the action of those in full membership when desired by the Pastoral Council; or

While the "rationale" to remit #7 includes:
... and that "Pastoral Council" would also be used to name the current "Board" or "Session" or "Church Council"
it does not address the arbitrary displacement of the rights and responsibilities of the "Session" by the "Pastoral Charge Governing Body", and is inconsistent with
To avoid any confusion in the PROPOSED wording for this Remit, the term "Pastoral Council" has been used to replace "Pastoral Charge" and the term "Pastoral Council Governing Body" has been used to replace "Official Board". For the purposes of testing the will of the church in this Remit, the terms "Session" and "Committee of Stewards" remain the same in the PROPOSED wording as in the present Basis.
and the use of "Session" elsewhere in the PROPOSED wording.

The General Council gave no authority for remit which would make changes as described above.

If remit #7 is approved it is suggested that the General Council exercise the discretion implied in 505(b)ii
the General Council may enact...
by not enacting the proposed changes to articles 7.2 and 5.8.1(1) until remited to presbyteries and pastoral charges.