The minutes, once approved, are the definitive record...

The minutes appended refused leave to appeal but effectively grant the appeal as of right as the Judicial Committee Executive agreed
. "a congregation...might make the argument which is raised in the appeal"; and
. "that there is not at the present time a congregation which is in the situation raised by Reverend Anderson" of legally having its property held under the provisions of section 5.3 of the basis.

Legal counsels for the United Church of Canada argue
. the words mean "there is not at the present time a congregation which is contemplating leaving the United Church of Canada";
. status to appeal requires "an immediate and specific impact"; and
indicate verbally or by e-mail respectively
. the Judicial Committee Executive simply first considered my status to appeal in arriving at their Decision without considering the appeal or the grounds for appeal.

Ruling 06-009-R is about the static disposition of certain properties, whether those properties are held under the provisions of section 5.3 or section 5.4 of the basis

"...the situation raised by Reverend Anderson" is about the static disposition of certain properties, whether as the prerequisites to legislate bylaw section 266(a) were deficient those properties are legally held under the provisions of section 5.3 of the basis

without the ruling or appeal making any reference to "leaving"; and

the Trusts of Model Deed gives status of being directly affected by a matter relating to property

no other party, including conference(s) for which cc was delayed, was made aware of the ruling within the time required to appeal.

"...the situation raised by Reverend Anderson" is similar to objecting to the legality of a lien being registered against title even though the lien does not itself have "an immediate and specific impact", where
. only the ruling as given can be appealed; and
. the appellant has only thirty days to give notice of appeal.

The wording of the minutes "that there is not at the present time a congregation which is in the situation raised by Reverend Anderson" was then the result of the Judicial Committee Executive dealing with the appeal summarily on what they were advised or believed to be its content without actually reading it.

Judicial Committee Executive
minutes 27/11/06
approved 26/02/07

Mac Austin [chair, withdrew as associated with Weir Foulds]
David Green
Jim Sinclair [withdrew]
John Hamilton [withdrew as formerly with Weir Foulds]
Charles Huband
Gary Gaudin
Margaret Bain
Helen Barkley
Bernice Saulteaux

5. Anderson appeal from General Secretary's Ruling 06-009-R

Acting Chair Austin withdrew as did John Hamilton and the General Secretary, Jim Sinclair. Charles Huband assumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

The discussion commenced around the issue of standing to bring the appeal. The Executive sought and received clarification that there is not at the present time a congregation which is in the situation raised by Reverend Anderson. The Executive agreed that if a congregation might fall within the exception to section 266(a) it might make the argument which is raised in the appeal.

Motion: Green/Gaudin that since Reverend Anderson is not directly affected he has no status to proceed with the appeal of this Ruling.

6. Adjournment

Motion: there being no other business, the meeting of the Judicial Committee Executive be adjourned.

Charles Huband, Chair
Kathy McDonald, Secretary