The vesting of property should not be used as an instrument of power in relating with the congregations.

The link documents the disposition of request for ruling re the vesting of properties of former congregations of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, which as negotiating congregations entered the Union of 1925 and took the name of The United Church of Canada.

The appeal is a definitive dealing within the context of the ruling, and relates to every former congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

In defense, the rules of evidence within this province referenced by bylaw section 076(s)
 i. recognize the person requesting ruling as "directly affected";
 ii. disallow evidence not "directly affected" by the ruling, including reply use of the United Church of Canada v. Anderson found in neither the ruling nor the appeal; and
the appeal
 iii. argues "bylaw section 266(a) is incompetent as authority";
 iv. requests the Judicial Committee to make decision "on the correctness or incorrectness" of bylaw section 266(a);
 v. explicitly leaves determining church law with the General Council;
 vi. as evidenced by the reply, was made only after other means to address basic questions were exhausted; and
as to who else might appeal
 vii. no other party, including conference(s) for which cc was delayed, was made aware of the ruling within the time required to appeal.

Of interest relating to other properties is internal correspondence
"It is, therefore, not accurate to say that property held under section 4 is held by The United Church. It is held by the trustees for the congregation, but subject to the control indicated in the above provisions of the Model Deed and subject to The United Church becoming the owner of the property in the event of the congregation ceasing to be an organized congregation.
"For the above reasons I think that the expression in paragraph (2) of the grounds of appeal 'to vest the property in The United Church' is not quite accurate and that it would be more accurate to say 'to vest the property in the trustees for the congregation under the provisions of section 4 of the New Brunswick Act of 1924'". [Mason, August 8, 1929]

Also of interest is how the church deals with internal questions, not unlike internal questions of a different gendre nailed to the church door at Wittenberg.